Barenaked Crockpot


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Where did this myth that is the crockpot, um I mean internet, orginate from? Let's explore some theories. I have a few ideas of my own to start with, and a few by others.


A glimpse into the genius that is my mind!

We are all being deceived by an evil genius. We are probably a bunch of heads in jars on his shelf in a laboratory somewhere! Nothing we see or experience is real... (yeah, I took Philosophy 101)


Perhaps PC's got smarter than people, and really pissed off. Suppose that each pc is just fooling you into thinking there is an internet. Its all just a little mind game your pc is playing on you....



Wow, I found out that some people have done a lot more thinking about this stuff than I have! I haven't even read these all the way through yet..... Enjoy!

The internet can not exist

Why the internet doesn't exist

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