"The problem is much greater than you think. You see, 'surfing the net', the 'information superhighway', are all just fancy words for a CROCKPOT! Your wifes got herself a crockpot. Shes making meatloaf, shes making pineapple chicken, and you dont even know it! I suggest mister, you start checking your basement, check your closets, you are going to find Tupperware filled with crockpot cooked food! Get her away from the information superhighway. The 'information superhighway', we all know its a crockpot!" - Ed Robertson, BNL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"We have all succumbed to the cyber-revolution, although I refuse to believe that the Internet exists." - Steven Page, BNL
"Ladies and gentlemen, there is a debate over those-those - what do you call them - mp3s. Should you be downloading stuff and burning your own cds? Well, here's the answer folks: As long as you dont believe in the internet, like barenaked Ladies - we refuse to believe that the internet exists - there is no problem with mp3s in the music business. You cannot steal something if there is nothing to steal. What is the sound of one band talking? There is nothing to steal if there is no internet. If there is no internet, there is no need for a monitor on your computer. Just type and touch your privates. I didnt even buy a monitor. It's all in my imagination. It's all in my imagination." - Steven Page, BNL
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet" Al Gore said when asked to cite accomplishments that separate him from another Democratic presidential hopeful, former Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey, during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN on March 9, 1999. Gore supported technological advances related to the advancement of the Internet, but to say that HE took the initiative in creating the Internet is a bit much. (Sources: Transcript http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/18390.html ) I found the above @ Al Gore Quotes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I don't think there's anything unique about human intelligence. All the nuerons in the brain that make up perceptions and emotions operate in a binary fashion. - Bill Gates
I am Gates of MicroBorg |
You will be assimilated! |